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"Get Hooked on Michigan"

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User: badlarry
Comment: I caught my over 7lb bass in my profile pic, fishing for big brown or a salmon with shiners in the spring of last yr. Stocked heavily bass def feeding on defenseless trout.
Date: 08/16/13 07:48 PM

User: bassturds
Comment: oh yea deff hit your trout lakes in the summer for bass.
most of them are not pressured and hold some monsters that eat the trout
Date: 08/16/13 07:30 PM

User: badlarry
Comment: Thanks guys for the kind reviews. Felt nice to reel in a fish that wasn't skipping across the water like a stone for a change!
Date: 08/15/13 05:07 PM

User: badlarry
Comment: Weird thing is that my last 2 biggest bass have been caught at this same lake more known for its excellent trout fishing. Guess I will have to give this place some more love and target bass here more often.
Date: 08/15/13 05:00 PM

User: badlarry
Comment: I usually hit a mini slump every year at this time. Being mostly a shore fisherman, find it hard to reach the deep spots where they go when water gets in the 80's. Seems like only the small ones have been active lately. Maybe that lunker i got is a good sign or just plain blind luck! Haha.
Date: 08/15/13 04:48 PM

User: bassturds
Comment: im currently in a slump. manage to get a few 1-2lbser here and there. but very slow fishing for me. im hopin this cool down can heat up the bite
Date: 08/15/13 11:24 AM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: You always do great right before the RES!!!! Hope that changes your luck my friend
Date: 08/15/13 07:52 AM

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