Wachusett Res Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 4 Reviews

Two Gold Pins! (Full Detail Story)

I got home after my graduate for Bachelor degree. Next day, I went to CHU because I promised myself that I will going there often to catch many different species in that place. No matter how many times I will try. I will try to advantage what this place has offered.
I was at scar hill spot by 8am. There was huge cold front with raining. I kept fishing and used rapala, tubes, spoons, inline spinners, and poppers. Nothing works at all. Even I was trying to get fish to bite. It was lockjaw day. I decided to use my skills on spoons that I learned from New York fishery. Nothing happen at all and I walked another 500 feet away (probably more than that.) I worked on bottom column of chu. Nothing works at all. I tried various depth up to middle column. Nothing happens. So, I decided to call it in to go old church area to catch perch and crappies. Then I was walking back to my car while trolling my spoon with reeling slowly back in. Somehow, my spoon was snagged on rock! I was really mad because it was my favorite spoon. Then I tried to pull line to order to break the line. When I tried to pull, I gained little line back. I realized that something is wrong. So, I put full max drag on and start winch that 4 pound line back in without any break if it was possible. Then line was suddenly at surfaced. It was huge fish! That huge fish wasn’t feel any hookset at all! I was quickly put low drag back on and burned that hook on that fish with my hand on line. That fish felt it was run like there was no tomorrow! Three runs and losing between 200-250 feet of line every run! (My reel holds 350 feet.) After 15 minutes in, that fish was surface again. I tried to gain the line but I couldn’t. I put little drag on and hand on the line to winch the fish without headshaking or run. This fish wasn’t fight at all and it was swim toward me! I land it with no problem! I was WICKED PISSAHH!!!!! (In good way!) It was huge rainbow!!! I knew it was gold pin bow for sure! Then I walked back to suv.
After dredge all of water on my clothes, I decided to go old church area after hearing few people saying it was hold monster crappie, white perch, and yellow perch. I wanted to give it a shot. I was secretly wanted to get yellow perch gold pin because I’m tired to see that same guy winning same title for few years now. Also, trying to catch my biggest crappie too. Anyway, I went to that area, I wasn’t unsure which spot to work at. I decided to stroll and fish until I find the pack of fish. Nothing happens at all. Until I realized that I should use tips from PERCHMASTER that taught me in New York at recently. Once I was put it into use, it wasn’t second that I was top of them! Oh man, it was all about pin yellow perch, pin, pin, pin, pin after five casts! I released three pins go due to eggs. While kept two. It was unreal! I kept moving around 50 feet away. Still catching perchs but noticed pattern was changed to crappie from perch. So, I kept crushing it. None of crappie was over 1.5lbs. Even caught three rock bass.. not worth to mention it. Very small ones. Anyway, I decided to move back to first spot that I found pin perch at. I was very very lucky gut call because that pin perch was frickin monster! Spooled me by 100 feet! (my fault due I haven’t change my drag from rainbow fight.) Until I landed it! Uh oh, I was chumming at chu… I knew it was time to go home! Even I don’t want to! At 130pm, I was fully sick with super cold and super wet!!! Was it worth it? I don’t even think so. I was sick for almost two weeks even I couldn’t fish! Shocking, right!!!
I went to baitshop and confirmed! 6.11lbs rainbow and 2.9lbs yellow perch!!! That yellow perch was 15.5 inch long with 12 inch girth! Unreal! WhooooO!!!! Two gold pins in one day!!!! I was mindblown and sick! (when I was chumming, I was completely forgetten that B&A baitshop was nearby old church area.) Now, I’ll remember that one for sure!
p.s. anyone can tell me for good taxidermy for my yellow perch? I wanted fiberglass and exactly looks like my pregnant perch. I want exactly size into details. I want it to show how girth it was. Anyone can reference me to anyone? SOOO MUCH THANKS!!!!

  • Added By: deaffisherman on 07/09/14 08:22 PM
  • Location: Wachusett Res
  • Report Date: 5/28/2014
  • # of Photos: 1
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