Plymouth Harbor Strike again! Fishing Report

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My Application For The Legendary Fisherman Status

On Friday, went to visit my old girl friend from high school. In which, it was at 2007. Although she and I went to same college but never really hanging out once at all. I met her and chatted for awhile. Anyway, everything changed and nothing same at all.

On Saturday, we spend to go on adventures, off-roading, swimming in waterfall, and went to restaurant. Then I told her that I had to fish that lake. She let me go to fish. I fished two hours with no luck at all. I was targeting for northern pike for my new pin. I did thrown hellhound, medussa, savage swimming glides, savage 3D trout, and grandma jake. Not even one bite at all. I went back to friend's home.

On Sunday, I spend time with her and her parents. By 430pm, I stopped at that lake again, trying my luck for northern pike. Thrown everything like I did at previous day. 430-7pm. I'm ready to call it and go to my home. But when I walked to my car, I spotted one little boy was fishing himself with shiners. He had huge blown up on surface and line broke when kid tried to fight it. I decided to walk 10-15 feet away from him and fish it. I looked at him, he tried too talk me. I explained him that I'm deaf. He understood it and sign, "big big big" I wasn't sure what he meant by big.. Just guessed he meant big fish. He pointed finger like "hold on" and grabbed shiner and toss it into lake. Not even 2 seconds later, huge ferociously splash on where shiner was swimming. I ran back to car and grabbed my bass rod that already rigged jerkbait on it. Then I toss it few feet over where splash was. Twitch it, pause, twitch twice, and pause it. Then twitch it and huge water bomb splash on my jerkbait! I was like oh s....!!! Line went screaming! Then I looked over to kid, he fell on rocks while saw huge hit! I helped him to get up while battling the fish. Kid ran to home. Fish was zigzag and buried into weeds! (Thank god that my bass rod was rigged with braid line!) somehow fish stopped and let me to slowly pull her. (I meant VERY SLOWLY!!!!!) but I failed because fish knew and went berserk!!! Jumped 6 times! My line was spooling up to 90% of my line. I made decision to remove my sweatshirt/shirt/boot/socks/wallet/phone and prepared to dive into lake if I have to. But thank god, fish turned back to me. I reeled fast as I could but no, fish was breaching few feet next to me. I was body slam and hand gripped on fish's head! Whooooooooo!!!!!!! I got him! I got him!!! Then I tried to see how big it was.. Look down to body... Uh oh.... It wasn't northern pike! It was TIGER MUSKIE!!!!!! I just lost my mind and lot of yelling.
After everything, I called my parents to see if they are still in Berkshire for their mini vacation. They told me that they just crossed ct river. I told them to turn back and meet me because I have tiger on me!! They didn't hesitate at all. Met me and saw fish! My dad took picture and I weight it. Then I did measurement it. 38 inches and 13.10lbs!!!! I released her back into lake for another angler to catch her again in other day! She swim away strong after what happen. I'm still in cloud nine and totally mindblown about it. It wouldn't happen if that local kid didn't tell me the tip.

P.s. I did cropped lands off from the picture because it is too reveling where I fish and exactly spot where I caught it. you all know internet will ruin fishing. If you ever know where I caught it or not, all I'm asking you to keep it quiet. Because I'm really happy that we have tigers in our state. I don't want to see tigers being gone like brood stock salmon.

  • Added By: deaffisherman on 09/25/15 12:06 AM
  • Location: Plymouth Harbor Strike again!
  • Report Date: 9/19/2015
  • # of Photos: 1
  • Learn more about Plymouth Harbor Strike again! fishing in our fishing message boards

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... deaffisherman posted in MA

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  • i love that place

  • Nice job!!! Excellent BEAST!!! Great write up!!!

  • WOW! You may end up being one of the last anglers in the state to catch one that bog. Definitely a fish for the history books!

  • @thorn168. this is massachusetts! i HIGHLY doubt they will stock pike and tigers! it would be REALLY REALLY REALLY FRIGGIN SWEET if they did! but im sure the only thing they will stock is the largemouth bass food! oh sorry ment truck trout!

  • simply amazing!! dude!!! thats unreal!.

  • Wow, a tiger Musky in Mass. Maybe the state can go back to stocking them again now that they have abandoned Salmon stocking.

  • Fishma519- yeah it is that hard to catch one. However some ponds did stocked few years ago. Nothing at this year. If you surfing in mass wildlife website, you will find all info about this.

  • The lucky - tiger has lifespan 8-10 years, last time, I remember. This tiger is probably in that age right now since mass wildlife said they will be age 5 when they reach 28 inches. My fish was 38 inches.

  • Un-freakin-believable! The last Tigers were stocked in 2004-6 so I didn't think many would be left in mass! Congrats on the catch of the year!

  • Needle in a haystack! Its been awhile since they have been stocked I am surprised they are still around. I am not sure of there life span but that is probably a old fish. Nice Job!

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