Central MA Report Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 8 Reviews

Second after work trip of the year. I got on the water around 5pm and I was into my first fish within 6 minutes of being there. I fished 5-6:45. 4 fish total. The watertemp was 47.9-49.8 degrees.

1st fish: 1lb smallmouth caught on 1/2oz football jig in 6' of water while dragging the bottom.
2nd fish: 1.2lb smallmouth caught on a KVD 1.5 crawfish pattern in 10' of water. The fish KILLED the bait
3rd fish: 5.2lb LARGEMOUTH!!!! I caught the fish off a point in 7' of water on a KVD 1.5 crawfish pattern.
4th fish: 2lbish Pickerel on a KVD 1.5 Crawfish pattern

All the fish crushed the baits

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... bangbang posted in MA

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